
    来源网站:http://nt.58house.com/   更新日期:2020-05-27  【举报删除

 公司采用德国、荷兰进口尼龙切片, 经特殊工艺制得锦纶6 (尼龙6 )单丝具有较好强度、耐磨性及坚固性,可供应不同粘度的吧龙6单丝,也可以根据客户要求对产品进行化学改性,提高尼龙6单丝的抗UV性能和耐热性、耐化学性。同时公司研发了具有更高工作温度,略好化学稳定性和耐磨性的锦纶6.6单丝。因锦纶材质的特殊性能,被广泛应用于织带、丝网印刷、过滤布、造纸毛毯、化纤筛网、魔术贴等产品。
We use nylon chips imported from Germany and the Netherlands. The nylon (PA) 6 monofil yarn obtained by unique processing hnashigh tensile strength, good abrasion resistance, We can supply nylon 6 yarn with different viscosity. By mixing with differentchemicaradditive,the characteristics in Anti -UV radiation,abrasion resistance,acid and alkali resistance can be obviously increased .wearsgdeveloped nylon 6.6 monofil with higher working temperature,better chemical stabilit and abrasion resistance compare tonyonp.Nylon is widely used in webbing, screen printing,flter cloth , paper making felt ,velcro tape, sewing thread and other fields, duetoits special properties.
本站网址:http://nt.58house.com/news/show-2362262.html 该信息由用户南通新蒂克单丝科技股份有限公司发布在最新化学纤维频道,内容中涉及的所有法律责任由此商家承担,请自行识别内容真实性!
  • 南通新蒂克单丝科技股份有限公司
  • 18962701206
  • QQ号: 1436709799
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